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Poet, Author, Speaker &  Coach

Unlock your full potential and rediscover who you truly are with my program, How to Find Your Lost Self. As a self discovery and personal growth coach with over 30 years of experience, I have helped countless women and their families achieve transformation. Subscribe today and receive my eBook, 5 Keys to Self Discovery. My programs are tailored to your unique needs and goals. Let's work together to help you achieve the life you've always dreamed of.

Free  Self-Discovery eBook!  

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What People Are Saying...

I'm loving this! My Mom gave it to me for Christmas- I like the way you've organized it to read, reflect, respond and pray---

Hannah- Austin Texas

No Rhyme or Reason

New book of poetry with refelections and devotions for your personal or group use...

What People Are Saying...

This book caused refreshment, tears, understanding, joy,  and insight as I journeyed through these beautifully written poems...

Linda- Richland Washington



In His Image - Song Download

IHI COVER revised OCT 23.png.jpg

Lyrics by Laurie Hilton Rowland Composed & Performed by Casey Kearney!

Available for purchase on iTunes and on most streaming platforms. Be blessed, inspired and moved by hearing Laurie's own Self Discovery Journey! 


Success Stories

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